Monday, March 29, 2010

Brian Hornback is being Challenged by a Hollywood Insider

Brian Hornback, Republican candidate for Republican State Executive Committeeman District Six has opposition from an insider of the Hollywood Elite. It is common knowledge that his opponent is a voting member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science. Brian Hornback said "I am a native Knox Countian, my wife and I have made the decision to raise and educate our three children here in this community. We haven't bounced around the country to promote an agenda. My 28 years of promoting Republican, Conservative, traditional family values is because that is the life I believe and live." Hornback said "I welcome a debate on where our party will continue to emerge. I believe the citizens of the Sixth District will stand with me for traditional family values not in the agenda of the Hollywood Elite."

Here is a brief example of the agenda of the Hollywood Elite from as recent as 2002. In 2002 Roman Polanski as best Director. In 2005 one of the best picture nominees Brokeback Mountain, best actor nominee Heath Ledger for Brokeback Mountainm supporting actor nominee Jake Gyllenhaal for Brokeback Mountain, supporting actress Michelle Williams for Brokeback Mountain. In 2008 Sean Penn was awarded Best Actor for Milk, supporting actor nominee Josh Brolin for Milk, director nominee Gus Van Sant for Milk.

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