Sunday, March 14, 2010

Election Commission Files a Complaint Without a Complaint

Sources close to Republican Knox County Clerk candidate Debbie Cole's campaign informed us that Debbie Cole along with two other individuals went to the Knox County Election Commission to obtain a copy of the complaint that the Knoxville News-Sentinel reported (here and here) that Election Deputy Administrator Scott Frith filed. Our sources indicated that Administrator Greg MacKay went back to his office and then he came out and said there is NO written complaint. MacKay said that he spoke to Frith on the phone and no formal complaint was given to the DA's office. Frith simply carried the discount card to the DA's office and left it. MacKay was asked if a written complaint should have been filed, Mackay replied "not necessarily" They then asked if Frith took the card to the DA, then Frith would be the complainant. MacKay said you will have to take that up with the DA. The three individuals then went immediately to the DA's office. The DA's office was unable to produce any complaint. The three individuals were informed that Mr. John Gill was going to contact them later that day but he was doing interviews and would look into it Monday and would call Ms. Cole.

Today's question is how can the DA's office conduct an investigation without a properly filed complaint?

Here is a previous Brian's Blog post from March 1, 2010 concerning this issue.

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