Tuesday, March 09, 2010


CORRECTION: March 10, 2010 2:55 p.m. Oops, we messed up. Gordon Boyd is not suspended, has not been suspended and is a valued member of the WVLT newsroom and operations. Stephen McLamb is at WAFF in Huntsville, AL. Check out Stephen's bio on the WAFF website here. Our apologies to Boyd, McLamb, WVLT Management and Crew.

On January 31, 2010 we predicted (here) that Jim Freeman, Director of Weather Operations at WVLT would be leaving in 30-45 days. This past Friday March 5, 2010, Jim said goodbye. Earlier on Friday, Rebecca Solomon on returning from a live broadcast was informed that her services would no longer be needed. No specific reason was given. Michele Silva was celebrating on her Facebook Friday evening. On Saturday morning, Steve Crabtree announced the Michele Silva hiring on his Facebook. On Saturday morning Brian's Blog reported (here) the Silva announcement. We believed it then and believe now that Silva will help knock down the #1 door.

WVLT Executive Producer Brian Gregory has announced that he will be leaving in a couple of weeks for a similar position in Sacramento, CA. Our sources believe March 19, 2010 will be his last day.

Gordon Boyd, WVLT Anchor and Reporter was suspended indefinitely on March 4, 2010 following an on air incident that was was carried live on the six o'clock news. Boyd was reacting angrily at his own mistake.

WVLT reporters Mike McCarthy left for a similar position in Ohio. WVLT reporter Stephen McLamb was terminated a few weeks ago.

It was this time last year that Stacy McCloud and Scott Blalock left. The year before that Liz Tedone, Craig Edwards, Kim Bedford, Jessa Goodard and Kelli Parker left.


  1. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Did Jim Freeman leave on his own or was he let go? He was one of the best meteorologists I've seen on air. I'm just surprised to not see him now.

  2. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Who's left?!

  3. Ray H. Jenkins3:29 PM

    Craig Edwards is at Fox 17 in Nashville. Is his wife Liz Tedone on air somewhere?

  4. Yes, when I am in Nashville. As I was Monday night/Tuseday morning I watch Fox 17. Because Craig Edwards does Weather, Stacy McCloud does Entertainment and Nick Paranjape is the Morning News Anchor/Reporter.

    All former on air news folk from Knoxville. Of course Stacy is a native East Tennessean and is/was one of us. She is from Campbell County.
