Thursday, April 29, 2010

Should Dottie Arnett Face Charges?

This evening, I listened to the 911 call that Dottie Arnett, wife of Republican candidate for Knox County Clerk Foster Arnett on Monday night. The first question that I had after listening to it, should charges be brought against Dottie Arnett? She alleges that she is being stalked but then acknowledges that she is safe. She alleges that the sign was on city property but that he alleges it is his property. She then requests that the call to Knoxville Police Department be canceled and that is the indication that it is a false report. On April 6, 2010 this case was made public about a false 911 call.

If an everyday tax paying citizen had wasted the 911 operators time and falsely reported a crime, a police officer would have visited the home for filing a false report. But the speculation by many in Knox County is that the double standard in the community allows a citizen connected to "a choice few" gets away with filing a false report.

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