Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tabloid Bully Girl #1 Crossed the Line, Friday

This thread from the local liberal blog has the E.W. Scripps tabloid bully girl #1 commenting and in tabloid bully girl fashion utilizing class warfare on Democrat candidate Rev. Ezra Maize. Tabloid Bully Girl #1 comment was. submitted by sclark426 (not verified) on Fri. 2010/04/16 - 9:22 p.m. Good job, Steve. Important debate, strong questions. Enjoyed it. Had to get back to type up R's, but Larry V G covered D's last Tuesday in Powell. Maize drove a Rolls to Powell. Tonight he drove a Lexus with a "Jesus" vanity plate.

First of all what is the difference in Maize driving a Rolls and Knoxville's current Mayor trying to buy the Governor's mansion? Secondly, her back handed reference to a Christ follower having a license plate of Jesus and her accusation that it is "vanity" and not his committed life to serving God is despicable, unwarranted and is religious intolerance. It should NOT be condoned by E.W. Scripps management.

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