Saturday, May 01, 2010

Concerned Citizens Debate Last Night

Last night, Former Commissioner Elaine Davis was joined by several citizens in conducting a Concerned Citizens Debate at the Knoxville Expo Center. It was a truly independent debate. A debate not conducted by the establishment's entities. The Hallerin Hilton Hill debate on WNOX is establishment in that Commissioner Mike Hammond is the stations owners representative. The League of Women Voters only had a debate for the Mayoral candidates and it was broadcast on the airwaves of Commissioner Hammond's employer.

The candidates attending were: Republican candidate for County Clerk Debbie Cole; Republican candidate for Trustee John Duncan III; Republican candidate for Sheriff Steve Hart.

The candidates for County Commission that attended were: Republican candidate for the Fourth District Jeff Ownby; Republican candidate in the Eighth District Duane Bias; Republican candidates in the Ninth District Paul Pinkston and Mike Brown; Independent candidate for the at large Eleven seat Brian Moneyhun and a Republican candidate for the at large Eleven seat Richard "Bud" Armstrong.

The candidates for School Board that attended were: in the Seventh District former Principal Charlotte Dorsey; Powell businesswoman and Community Activist Kim Sepesi and Union Firefighter boss Bill Warwick. In the Eighth District Former high school Principal Tommy Everett, Former County Commissioner Mike McMillan and Former Assistant Superintendent Roy Mullins. In the Ninth District only the current School Board Member Robert Bratton attended.

The candidates for County Mayor that attended were: Republican Tim Hutchison; Democrat Ezra Maize and Independent Lewis Cosby.

If you did not vote during the early voting period. Be sure that you vote on Tuesday at your local polling location. The hours of voting will be from 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

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