Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Haslam Supports a Tax Increase for the Town of Farragut

At the June Concord/Farragut Republican Club Bill Haslam representative Phyllis Severance was asked by me about the request by Knoxville Vice Mayor Bob Becker to take $500,000.00 out of the city of Knoxville's $53 million dollar rainy day fund to help the Knox County School Board's $1.2 million dollar shortage THIS year. I asked why Mayor Haslam did not support Vice Mayor Becker's request. Especially since 1) he is running for Governor 2) he is touting education and 3) the city has $53 million in rainy day reserve.

She responded on 6/9/2010 at 10:35 a.m. with the campaigns response through a city of Knoxville employee. Note how the city employee dismisses it as the Town of Farragut fault and how they should pay more. Here is the email that was sent to me.


I have spoken to Sam Anderson concerning your question you ask me at the Concord/Farragut Republican Club. Here is what he said about your question. Here is what he said.

Bill Haslam is not opposed to funding schools. The City of Knoxville as will as Knox County, contribute 72 cents of every sales tax dollar to the schools. Far more than the 50 cents that is required. They also provide all police protection to the city schools as well as crossing guards. Given the present tight budget situation in the city it would not be responsible to take the money from fund balance.

The Town of Farragut only give 50% of their local option sales tax. If they would contribute 72 cents there would not be a short fall in the City School BUdget.


Note: Sam Anderson the city employee is a 20 year Knox County School Board Member and a city employee under Mayor William Edward Haslam.

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