Saturday, June 05, 2010

KCSO is Professional and Unbiased

As I have blogged before the death of Henry Granju was senseless and unnecessary. However, in today's Knoxville News Sentinel this story appears. Sheriff Jones has stated publicly that the investigation has been completed up to this point and no weapon was used. It was simple assault. Sheriff Jones stated "It doesn't matter if you live under a bridge or in the Hamptons, you still get the same professionalism from our department. No matter if you blog or don't blog or if you complain on us or don't complain on us, you will still get the same professional investigation."

I agree with Sheriff Jones on this. I have seen the Sheriff's Department from the outside - in. I served at the pleasure of the Knox County Commission on the Knox County Jail Inspection Committee. I have seen the correctional facilities in surprise visits and planned scheduled visits. For a couple of years, I served at the pleasure of the Knox County Commission on the Sheriff's Department Merit System Council. I have had to deny an applicant to be approved as an officer because they forgot to fully disclose their past. Since September 1, 1990 and through our current day, our Knox County Sheriff's Department is the most dedicated, professional and fair law enforcement organization in the state.

1 comment:

  1. Knox County jail might be a swell jail, and as much as we spend on it, it should be no less.

    But for the sheriff to put out a message like this on the day the victim is to be interred is tasteless, to say the least.

    Someone here is not telling the truth, an methinks someone is protesting too much.
