Tuesday, June 01, 2010

My Heart Breaks!

As a blogger that will celebrate 6 years of blogging in August, my heart breaks tonight. There are a lot of bloggers that have a different voice. I use to read every blogger that I could. I realize that my blog voice is different that a majority of bloggers. I am conservative and at times can be considered controversial. The comments that my blog receives are mostly negative toward me and my style. For that reason I have stayed in a silo for well over a year and have simply accomplished what I desire to put out there.

One of the persons that I have watched over the years is Katie Granju. Back when she was at a television station then knoxnews and now with Ackermann PR. I know of her, I do not think that I have ever talked to her and certainly to my knowledge have never met her. I have watched the father (Chris Granju) of their three children at County Commission meetings when he would answer questions about storm water, runoff issues. Again, I never introduced myself to Mr. Granju. So, I am an observer.

Today, I began seeing some discussions on twitter and facebook about Henry Granju. As I began to read some blog entries, facebook and other entities, I discovered that Henry Granju passed away yesterday. I discovered this evening that Henry was assaulted a month or so ago, there were some other complications that resulted in a month long struggle for life. I have now read most of Katie's blog entries for the past month at her blog, Mamapundit. Early this evening, I joined the Rest In Peace We Love You Henry Granju Facebook page.

My wife and I have three teenage children (19, almost 16 and 14). I chose not blog about my family. It is my decision in an effort to shield and protect my family from the attacks that I suffer for my opinion.

Henry's attack was senseless. I pray that the ones guilty of assaulting Henry are brought to justice. My heart breaks for Katie, Chris, the brother and sister and the extended family that Henry leaves behind.

Henry, as I have never met your parents. I certainly never met you. But, my desire is for you to Go Rest High on that Mountain. You deserve rest and peace.


  1. I too found myself drawn to Katie's blog after learning of her sons' tragic death. I spent the last hour reading her blog post from the past month. Suddenly, while I was reading the page went blank then it said that the page had been suspended. Do you have any idea what would have happened? I am so heavy hearted for this family. I pray God will send the Comforter to give them His peace that surpasses all understanding.

  2. Keep going back. Too many people logging on causes the bandwidth limit to exceed itself and suspends itsElf

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. To the doofus that attempted to post a comment trying to say that my blog post was asserting that Henry was attacked because of his mother's blogging. You are a moron. I mentioned the the mother's blogging in showing a connection. I haven't personally met her, but I have followed her blog. Henry's father I have observed at County Commission meetings.

    Your assertion that Henry died of anything other than an attack is evidence of your own ignorance. You really need to stick to picture books.

  5. Anonymous12:05 PM

    wow. The only thing you've ever written that I wasn't offended by reading.

  6. Brian, great blog by the way - I ran into Congressman Wamp in Gatlinburg, the last week of December. He is a rare politician and I think he would make an outstanding candidate, a real standout in a crowded field in my estimation. I already know who I am voting for. Regards - Michael Lindsay, Knoxville.
