Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Burchett Marks One Year Anniversary.

Today, Knox County mayoral candidate Tim Burchett marked one year of campaigning.

Burchett said, "For the past 12 months I have had the privilege of meeting with citizens from all 94 precincts of this county. I have heard their concerns and their goals for Knox County and am more confident than ever that working together we can move our county in a new and better direction."

During this time, Senator Burchett has knocked on over 5,000 doors, participated in four county-wide forums with opponents, met with numerous citizen groups and organizations and led an extensive grassroots volunteer effort to carry his vision for Knox County's future. The key issues Senator Burchett has emphasized over the past year are restoring trust to county government, supporting job growth, fiscal responsibility and helping to ensure that education dollars are prioritized to the classroom.

Burchett added, "I have walked door-to-door on days when the temperature was almost 100 degrees and when there were 3 inches of snow on the ground. I believe voters deserve to know a candidate is committed to meeting with them personally and the best way to do that is going to them and having a conversation."

With early voting beginning on Friday, July 16th, Senator Burchett looks forward to continuing to agressively reach out to voters throughout Knox County. This will include continued door-to-door campaigning, multiple GOTV events and media forums sponsored by WATE, WNOX and WBIR.

Early voting runs from July 16 - July 31 and Election Day is August 5, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. While we may miss Bud Armstrong as an elected official, he will remain active in Republican politics and will support the efforts of the Party and Knox County - as he has all his life.

    Nice entry Brian - thanks.
