Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Haslam Supports Congressman Duncan's Former Opponent

Brian's Blog discovered today on the City of Knoxville website that the city directed by Mayor William Edward Haslam is supporting the organization of Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. former opponent in 1996. Here is the link to the website in question. The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is the organization of Stephen Smith. During the election of Stephen Smith and Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. I called in on every talk show that Smith appeared on and asked him about his numerous arrests and other activities. Duncan beat Smith big. But, still Haslam who is running for the Republican nomination for Governor is now promoting an opponent of our Republican Congressman. An individual that has an arrest record.

Here is the link to Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. Here on January 4, 2009 Smith was critical of Congressman Duncan's actions. Here is a May 16, 2010 article from the Chattanooga Times Free Press where Smith was critical of Congressional activity. The author of this article even identifies Smith as a former Democrat candidate for Congress from Knoxville, TN. Why can the City of Knoxville not research this? If Mayor William Edward Haslam has been active in Republican politics as he says he has, why did he not remember Smith's background?

1 comment:

  1. I've been doing a little research into the Sustainable Cities program that Haslam endorses. Why does Knoxville have a "sustainability director"? If you trace this program back to its source, you will find it is connected to the United Nations' Local Governments for Sustainability.
    Haslam wrote back to a citizen who inquired about this (saw on SmartGirlPolitics) that he saved money through weatherization with this program and it allowed Knoxville to network with other cities. So we need a UN program to weatherize our buildings and network? I also have noticed that a company called ECOtility has won a government grant to put up electric car charging stations all around Knox County with local government support.
    I am not against clean energy or alternative energy, but I am against non-free market methods of foisting this product upon us all.
    I'm thinking Haslam has been targeted by the establishment as he owns a lot of gas stations and would be perfect to promote alternative energy to a conservative population.
    Anyhow, recently took a trip to West TN and didn't see one Haslam sign. Wamp and Ramsey signs were about evenly placed.
