Friday, July 16, 2010

I Ask For Your Vote

Today begins early voting. If you live in State Senate District 6, (which means that if State Senator Jamie Woodson is your State Senator) I ask for your vote. On the Republican Primary Ballot, I am a candidate for Republican State Executive Committeeman. This is a volunteer position. I have 28 years of ACTIVE Republican involvement. I have served as a Knox County School Board Member. Also, in 2005 I was selected to lead the Knox County Republican Party as it's Chairman.

Due to the economy, I have not sought or accepted any campaign contributions. In fact I have returned contributions encouraging folks to send them to contested Republican candidates. My opponent has accepted contributions and has spent considerable dollars to manufacture name identification. His contributions have come from individuals that have a special interest in having a spokesperson to advance their agenda.

I am a REPUBLICAN Independent, I registered t vote the day after I turned 18, in 1984.I have voted in EVERY election since 1984 and I have voted in the REPUBLICAN primary in EVERY election since 1984.

Check the campaigns facebook page, here.

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