Friday, August 13, 2010

He WON, Zach Bates WON!

This from today's News Sentinel Zach Bates WON! Back years ago, I knew Zach's dad, Gil. Gil worked for Nabisco and we would run into each other back when Gil and Kelly had just a few kids. Gil and Kelly are expecting #18 in September. So, I know Zach Bates will do a GREAT job as a Anderson County Commissioner, cause I have met his earthly father and I know who Zach serves as his heavenly father.

Back on June 24, I posted a picture of Zach's yard sign on the blog. Here it is, it is good to see a good young man get elected. A young man unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. AMEN!

1 comment:

  1. I know Gil well. I spoke to Zach back in the spring and he was excited about running for office. I trust people will see what he stands for.
