Friday, August 06, 2010

The Think Tank Met Face to Face at Zach's Party

One of the great things about the Zach Wamp campaign was the people and friendships that I have been blessed to cultivate over the past 19 months, all across this great state of ours. Jenci of Marvelously Moderate and Christy Evans have become 2/3 of a 3 way think tank. Jenci is a blogger out of Jackson, TN. Christy is from a suburb of Nashville and is a twitterer and of course I am a blogger, facebook and twitterer. Our three way think tank came face to face at the Chattanoogan. Before I climbed in the car to drive home and Christy headed north we captured the moment on Jenci's blog. Here is the link to Moderately Marvelous and our voices about the 19 month journey.

Here is a photo of us in the ballroom right after we met face to face. The face to face meeting was at about 8:15 p.m. and the blog interview was at about 10:30 p.m.

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