Monday, September 13, 2010

Campfield Has Democrat Support, What You Will Not Read In Georgiana Vines Column

This Georgiana Vines column today is the Stacey Campfield's opponent has Republican support, although she was unable to confirm one definite Republican supporter. She quotes David Wright of Wright's Cafeteria and former Knox GOP Chairman Mike Prince as confirming they have talked with Campfield's opponent. Although Wright is quoted as saying he wants to stay in the middle of it. and Prince stated he will vote for Campfield.

While Campfield's opponent has produced a yard sign extension that read Republicans for, sources close to the Campfield campaign indicate that they have a demand for and will be producing a yard sign extension that reads, Democrats for Campfield.

Of course, you will not be able to read any of this in Georgiana Vines column, cause that is not shining light so that the people can find their way.

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