Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Walt Wojnar Finds a TN Solution to a National/International Crisis

Walt Wojnar, the one person that originally coined the phrase "Black Wednesday" for the County Commission appointments on January 31, 2007 has found a Tennessee solution to a National/International crisis.

Wojnar announced today that in solving the immigration problem of illegals crossing the border from Mexico to the United States that on Wednesday November 3, 2010 all the green posts holding the Bill Haslam for Governor signs should be collected and transported to the Mexican/USA border and build the fence with all the green fence posts. There are enough to build the fence.

With such thinking outside the box, we can expect that Wojnar will be in Washington advising the new Republican majority.

1 comment:

  1. Kellie5:20 PM

    You might check out the purchases made by School CTE. I find it quite interesting that we are buying high end performance vehicle parts......
