Sunday, October 17, 2010

Why Does TN GOP Play The Obama Card in State Races?

In state legislative races the TN GOP are playing the Obama/Pelosi bait card. They started this early on in the state representative race in Hamblen County, Larry Mullins and Don Miller are running for a seat that has been vacated. TN GOP spent GOP dollars on a billboard with Larry Mullins and President Obama picture opposite each other, and created a website. Recently, they have mailed out a card in the Eddie Yoakley and Jeremy Faison race in Cocke County for State Representative. Again painting Yoakley as tied to President Obama. What does President Obama have to do with State Representatives in Tennessee? Now, if they use Speaker Pelosi against Lincoln Davis or any Democrat running for the U.S. Congress that is a valid issue. Because it will be the next Congress that will select the next Speaker of the House. To use President Obama against any and all Democrats running for Congress or Senate that is fine as well. But it has NO place in state legislative races. In my many years of political involvement, I have come to realize that too often political campaigns do not focus on the real issues but instead use bait tactics that have no real effect on the job at hand.

For those of you that are shocked by this post, you can file this as my "Lee Atwater" moment.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Could not have said it better myself Brian. I have been thinking the same of late. It is silly.
