Thursday, November 18, 2010

Harwell Is The Best Choice

Today the TN Republican House members will meet in caucus to select their leader. The choice is State Rep. Beth Harwell or State Rep. Glen Casada. While I have met both and both are exceptional people. Rep. Harwell will make a good Speaker. First, she has leadership experience having served as TN GOP Chairman while serving as a State Representative.

Unfortunately for Casada his supporters have attempted to demonize Harwell. I received a phone call yesterday from an activist tea party member, he asked is Harwell a RINO? I said absolutely NOT, I know RINO's Harwell ain't one. We discussed some of her votes and positions. While I may not agree with every position an elected official takes. If I can see how they arrived at their position, then I can respect that person. Harwell is the kind of leader that Governor Haslam and TN need for 2011 and beyond.

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