Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Ballard May NOT Be On The Ballot in 2012

Sources in the City County Building are telling me that Knox County Property Assessor Phil Ballard has begun throwing out the prospect that he may not be on the ballot for Property Assessor in 2012. Instead, he will support his Chief Deputy Jim Weaver. When Weaver is elected than Ballard would become his Chief Deputy. Ballard is apparently not enjoying his position. It began almost immediately after taking office, when he began the county re-appraisals, which resulted in tax increases for many tax payers. In addition, he has become the subject of a Knox County Human Resources Department investigation.


  1. Anonymous12:30 AM


  2. Anonymous12:32 AM

    He won't be any more qualified or able to handle the job as Chief Deputy than he is to be Property Assessor. Jim Weaver should not make any deal with Phil to keep him on.
