Monday, January 17, 2011

Knoxville City Mayor 2011

So, the former Mayor is now Governor. City Councilman Daniel T. Brown is the Interim Mayor and the campaign for Knoxville Mayor begins. The primary is in September, with the General in November. The swearing in and Installation will be in December. Where will the next Mayor come from? Sequoyah Hills? North Knox? or South Knox?

Longtime Mayor Victor Ashe lived and lives in Sequoyah Hills. Our former Mayor, now Governor lived in Old Westmoreland, near Sequoyah Hills. The current 2011 Mayoral candidates from Sequoyah Hills are City Councilwoman Marilyn Roddy, Former Councilman Rob Frost, Knox County Clerk Foster Arnett and Businessman Mark Padgett. Sources indicate that a fifth candidate from Sequoyah Hills is Businessman Eddie Mannis, owner of the successful dry cleaning business Prestige Cleaners. Roddy is expected to have the ability to self fund (if neccesary) her campaign. But with the dollars and votes in Sequoyah Hills being split up. How does that impact the candidates ability to win.

There are two candidates that are not from Sequoyah Hills. Former Third District County Commissioner Ivan Harmon from North Knoxville. Current Knoxville Administrator Madeline Rogero from South Knoxville.

Does that give Harmon or Rogero an advantage? Rogero and Padgett are known Democrats, while all the others are known to lean Republican. Harmon and Roddy are more actively engaged in the local Republican organization than the other candidates. Padgett though a Democrat has some Republican support from his dad's successful tenure as Knox County Clerk.

It is expected that Rogero would run strong in the East Knoxville African American community. However, Roddy has generated some high profile African Americans at several of her campaign events, specifically the most recent Jazz concert reception that she held. Roddy was also a strong advocate and Vote for Interim Mayor Daniel T. Brown. So, Roddy is early out of the gate.

At this point I would give the advantage at this point to a Roddy -vs- Harmon run off in November.

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