Friday, January 28, 2011

Leuthold Joins Former Commission Colleague

Former Fifth District County Commissioner Craig Leuthold is changing employers on Monday. A longtime Knox County Trustee Supervisor is moving from the 3rd floor of the City County Building to the First Floor of the City County Building. He joins his former County Commission colleague, Phil Ballard. Ballard the Knox County Property Assessor is employing Leuthold. In exchange, longtime Knox County Property Assessor employee Jim Owen will be joining the Knox County Trustees office. So Owen will be moving on up to the 3rd floor. Courthouse insiders believe that Leuthold's move is political in preparation for Ballard's 2012 re-election campaign. Sources question what experience Leuthold has in property appraisals. It is believed that Leuthold is not a certified appraiser. Sources close to the Property Assessors office question if this is simply two former "Black Wednesday" County Commissioners scratching each others back. It appears that cronyism is alive and well at the City County Building.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:18 AM

    I don't believe anyone ever believed cronyism had been eliminated in County govt. Someone should just check out all of the people Ballard has hired since taking office for personal or political ties to him.
