Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ruh Roh, Padgett Jumps in a Hole and Almost Took The Kids With Him

In today's News Sentinel is this story where Mayoral candidate Mark Padgett has offended John Lee, President of the Boys and Girls Club of the Tennessee Valley and potentially jeopardized their 501 (C) (3) status as a non profit. I mean if you raised $10,000 a week over 9 weeks couldn't you rent some kids instead of using the Boys and Girls club kids. (the part of renting kids is a joke)

I mean according to Padgett's first financial disclosure the campaign has one media consultant Terry Quillen. In addition, Padgett has three other Consultants, Zak Kelley, Sam Edwards and Georgia Bacon. Check the financial disclosure, here.

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