Sunday, January 09, 2011

Whitehead Will Wage Winning Campaign in 2012

John Whitehead, previous Knox County Property Assessor will wage a campaign for Knox County Property Assessor in 2012. Whitehead served two four year terms from 2000-2008 as Knox County Property Assessor, Whitehead is a Certified Appraiser. Whitehead in 2008 did not seek the position in respect to the term limit provision approved by the voters in Knox County in 1994. Whitehead has informed Brian's Blog that he will wage a campaign to restore professional, competent leadership at the helm of the Knox County Property Assessor's office. He will make an official announcement in the very near future.

So, Brian's Blog was the public venue to announce that the current Assessor intends to run for re-election in 2012. Now, Brian's Blog is the venue to announce that Whitehead will wage a campaign to restore professional, competent leadership for Knox County.

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