Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Chief IV - Job Well Done

Knoxville Police Department Chief Sterling Owen, IV announced a few days ago that on March 26 he would step down and retire from the organization that he restructured. Rumors began yesterday that the Chief had ulterior motives to his retirement announcement. That he would be a candidate for Mayor. After some research, I do not believe these rumors to have any merit. If I could point to one decision that former Mayor Bill Haslam got right in his brief tenure as Mayor, it is the hiring of Chief Owen. Chief Owen a retired FBI guy basically came out of his retirement to take KPD from an organization that had a dictatorial, arrogant and uncooperative Chief in former Chief Phil Keith and intended to turn the organization into an efficient, professional and cooperative organization. The goals of Chief Owen 7 years ago are mission accomplished TODAY. I wish Chief Owen well and if he could be persuaded to run, I would be the first to sign up. I firmly believe that Chief Owen is a man that was asked to step in and make a difference and he accepted the challenge and now he wants to return to his life of retirement. Knoxville owes Chief Owen a hearty Thank YOU and a full debt of gratitude.

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