Friday, February 04, 2011

Phil Ballard Makes False Accusation Against Brian's Blog

In today's telephone interview with Phil Ballard, he made one accusation twice. He called me a front man for a negative campaign against him. I corrected Ballard on both occasions, attempting to keep him on track for the issue. When I would correct him and state that it was not true and attempt to track him back to the issue at hand. He would angrily point to other issues that out date his term as Property Assessor. It is a good thing that the interview was conducted on the phone, because with Ballard's tone and volume of his voice continuing to exceed that of a normal conversation, I question if he would be able to stay calm in person. I am still perplexed why his temper was getting out of control. Of course, I have been accosted before for taking a stand for what is right as reported by the News Sentinel here. Ballard accused this blog of spreading negative stories to benefit his "future" opponent. When I pointed out to Ballard that this blog began in 2004, 2 years prior to his decision to run for County Commission, 4 years prior to his decision to seek the position of Property Assessor and now nearly 7 years before his re-election in 2012. He had no response.

When I pointed out that just a few weeks ago when he wanted me to report about the former employees of his department that were spreading unflattering information about him and I did so because it was the right thing to do. But, now he wants to point to me as a negative attacker? If that is true, was it true when Ballard wanted a story? That dog don't hunt.

The best result of this blog is that Ballard has admitted that the appraisal of his Chief Deputies personal property is under value. That it is a correctable error and that his office will correct it. For Brian's Blog which was birthed in August 2004 to ensure that the Knox County taxpayers receive the right share of tax money is another accomplishment toward our greater mission.

So, if Ballard, as an elected official wants to defame and slander me or my blog, there is not a lot that I can do about that. I just have to consider the source and understand that my exposing of his shortcomings as an office holder reflects on his ability or lack therof. For full disclosure, Ballard is married to my fifth cousin. It is difficult sometimes to point out family members that are in the public light with the public trust, but at times, it is neccesary.

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