Sunday, March 27, 2011

Come On People...Nastiness Is Not Becoming of Professional People

I have talked with two of the eleven Knox County Commissioners and they have received phone calls that are nasty. Commissioner Richard Briggs received one such call. Actually, it was his wife that received the call. The Briggs felt that it was a fee office employee and that the conversation just got a little escalated and the Briggs are just kind of letting it go.

Commissioner Jeff Ownby and members of his family have received several of these type calls. Ownby talked with GOP Chairman Ray Jenkins before the Knox County Republican Party convention yesterday about the fact that this is a policy decision not a political decision. Jenkins agreed.

What is unfortunate is that Jenkins made his disagree without being disagreeable speech and that personal attacks are not acceptable. Then Jenkins introduces Sherry Witt with Sherry "Stand Up for Your Republican Officials" Witt. Wow, Jenkins why not just throw a gallon of gas on the fire.

I hope at least six of the eleven Commissioners put this issue to rest tomorrow.

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