Saturday, March 26, 2011

GOP Chair Jenkins Talks The Talk and Fails To Walk The Walk

This morning the Knox County Republican Party conducted their bi-annual Republican Organizational meeting. The first order of business was to require everyone to sign and have two witnesses to sign an Oath of Allegiance. The Oath of Allegiance I will blog about later and will post a copy of said Oath.

As soon as Ray Jenkins began he made a speech about how the Oath of Allegiance was important because Republicans are leaders. Leaders need to disagree without being disagreeable. He talked for about 3 minutes on Republican Unity. Then at the end of the meeting, as he was introducing the officeholders, he introduced them by title and name. Like Mayor Tim Burchett. He then introduced Sherry "taking a stand for Republican officeholders" Witt. 16 of the 200-250 delegates stood and cheered. So, how was this Republican unity? The Chairman siding with one Republican officeholder over another one in this weeks very divisive issue of the fee office proposal.

Sources indicate that some County Commissioners are receiving phone calls using profanity and calling them names that are opposed to the fee office proposal. Come on people, it is policy decision not a taking of your Constitutional liberties.

Come on Jenkins, if you are going to lead. Lead with your actions and your talk. As for today, your talk didn't match your walk 20 minutes later.

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