Saturday, March 12, 2011

Knox County School Board Districts Must Be Approved By County Commission

At the next Knox County School Board workshop there will be a discussion about the upcoming redistricting of the School Board districts. This is the districts that determine who you vote and elect to the School Board. It is not the districts that determine what schools your children attend. A majority of the board believed that they could redistrict and that County Commission must approve it. There belief is based on the court approved settlement in the county commission/county school board lawsuit. It seems that Marty McCampbell, staff Attorney of the Knox County Law Department has researched the issue and has discovered similar ruling where in this incident State Law supersedes County Charter. So, the redistricting is ultimately decided by County Commission. The School Board can propose any redistricting plan they want to County Commission. County Commission can accept it or can modify it any way they want.

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