Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sally Absher - A Leader Among Establishment R.I.N.O's

Here on Red State, local Tea Party Organizer Sally Absher has been recognized for her leadership in helping Tea Party, Constitutional Conservatives understand how to become a delegate in the local Knox County Republican Party. Absher offered herself as a candidate last year as the State Republican Executive Committeewoman from State Senate District Six (Senator Woodson's District). Absher was up against establishment Republicans that spent a considerable amount money in trying to turn the position into the establishments hands. Absher was even faced with Phyllis Severance, the First Vice Chairwoman of the Knox County Republican Party endorsing her opponent. Yet, Absher's connection to the grassroots allowed her to defeat Severance and the establishment in winning the race. Absher has made herself available to the local Republican clubs, just last Thursday she was the featured Speaker at the South Knox Republican Club. So, while others attempt to keep the good ole boy/girl network in power with establishment R.I.N.O's (Republicans In Name Only) Absher is about the business of opening the door to like minded Conservatives. Here's to Sally!

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