Sunday, April 03, 2011

April Fools Day - Lindsay Duncan is Winning with Friends and Family

On Friday Lindsay Duncan (wife of Trustee John Duncan III) posted on her Facebook page that Baby Duncan would be here before the November election. While there were a few commentators that expressed skepticism with the announcement, most took the bait and were so happy for her and John. Sure enough Lindsay announced later in the day that it was an April Fools joke. Lindsay has evidently pulled this on her mom before but now lots of other people were had. I reminded Lindsay that with John's brother Zane getting married later this year, she may just slip into out law status versus in law status. But, I gotta admit Lindsay is a great prankster and got more personality than is humanly possible to have. Gotta love Lindsay! Now, if I can just get her to start a blog. That would be awesome.

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