Friday, April 08, 2011

Lincoln Day Dinner Speaker Communicates Message through Satellite

As I predicted, Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma could not get out of Washington due to the looming federal government shutdown. So, he spoke to the Knox County Lincoln Day Dinner via satellite link up. The generous count is that 350 attended tonight. If that number is accurate, 100 tickets were purchased today.

I received a communication this morning when I predicted Coburn would not make it to the dinner that I was wrong. It was stated to me that Haslam would send a plane to get him. First, I thought the idea that Haslam would pick up an activist Tea Party Senator would be shocking and as usual I was right. Senator Coburn is a class act. Thanks to Senator Alexander and Congressman Duncan for bringing a Tea Party influence to moderate establishment Knox Co Republican Party's Lincoln Day Dinner.

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