Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Ray Jenkins Has Put The X on Burchett

UPDATE: Within one hour of our posting Ray Jenkins called the web guy and told him to fix Burchett's picture. It is now fixed.

Hubert Smith of the Hubert Smith Radio Show and One on One With Hubert Smith sent me a note today and asked if I had noticed that the Knox County Republican Party website has a nice color photo of all Republican officeholders except Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett. When it rotates to Burchett, it comes up with a X. So, when Jenkins talks about Republicans disgreeing without being disagreeable. His actions is to just put the X on you. But Jenkins expects Burchett to sell lots of Lincoln Day Dinner tickets. Jenkins expects the guy that got 85% of the vote to Chair the Lincoln Day Dinner. But that same guy is not worthy for a real picture on the parties website.

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