Monday, April 25, 2011

Tony Norman, show US the Money, Money, Money! MONEY!

UPDATE: Sources indicate that the source of money for the robo calls and the newspaper ad is The Sierra Club.
This weekend while families were enjoying the weather and time with the family members, our phones rang and a robo call was pierced into what would have been a enjoyable evening had we not be interrupted from it by an annoying phone call. Then on Sunday morning the News Sentinel has a full page color advertisement. The robo call stated if you were tired of run off water, call your Commissioner and ask them to vote for the hillside/ridgetop plan. This plan has nothing to do with runoff water. It has to do with controlling and prohibiting property owners from having responsible development on their own properties.

Last month, the liberal extreme wackos raised all mighty of matter about the Chamber Partnership spending money on newspaper ads. Demanding to know where the money came from.

Well, I want to know who and where the money came from for the robo calls and the newspaper ad. The Chamber Partnership was open and transparent about it. These people are far from it. The only front persons they have are former City Councilman Joe Hultquist and County Commissioner Tony Norman. Tony should come forward before 2:00 p.m. and disclose the special interest that are controlling, manipulating and directing him. If he fails to do so, citizens should rise up and mount a recall Tony campaign.

It is sad to see Tony being such a puppet. His father, former County Commissioner Rex Norman was NOT a puppet to anyone. He was a statesman within the Third District and represented the people well. Tony has NOT.

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