Sunday, April 17, 2011

Victor Ashe Gets It Wrong, Probably Clark and Bean Rubbing Off On Him

In tomorrow's Shopper, former Knoxville "I never met a Knox County property I didn't want to annex for revenue" Mayor Victor Ashe gets it wrong. In writing about possible successors to Senator Jamie Woodson. The former Poland Ambassador writes that State Representative Ryan Haynes does not live in the senate district. Ashe got it wrong. In fact Representative Haynes does own property and lives in State Senate District Six.

Ashe was warned that associating with Sandra Clark and Betty Bean would certainly lend itself to making him less intelligent. However, a simple internet search would reveal the correct answer, but then again that is the Clark/Bean effect. Ashe is obviously slipping in his later years.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Off topic, but interesting Is Jarret using city office, phones email for private business?
