Monday, April 18, 2011

Where Are Your Friends When You Need Them?

Today at 2:00 p.m. when the County Commission was beginning their meeting. Criminal Court Clerk Joy McCroskey, Clerk and Master Howard Hogan, Register of Deeds Sherry Witt were in the back of room geared up for a fight. Law Director Joe Jarrett went to McCroskey and spoke to her.

Circuit Court Clerk Cathy Quist entered the room. McCroskey walked up to Quist and said Jarrett just said they are not talking about us (Hogan, Quist and McCroskey) today. Quist said "I figured that". McCroskey left the room as fast as her feet would take her. Leaving Witt as the only one left that was opposed to the move of fee office budgets. The only ones opposed were McCroskey, Hogan and Witt.

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