Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Knox County Highway Maintenance - What Were You Thinking?

UPDATE: May 3, 2011 11:03 p.m. The tree was evidently removed today, Good work

Knox County. Wednesday evenings storms were the worst I have ever experienced. Mourfield Rd in Southwest Knox County was closed until mid day on Friday. Trees galore had fallen and Knox County Highway Maintenance spent nearly two full days cutting them up and yesterday (Monday) they were hauling the wood away. But, drivers have been able to drive on Mourfield since Friday afternoon. However, they left this tree still standing. (This photograph was taken on Sunday.) What were they thinking?  

1 comment:

  1. Brian,
    This is going ot sound funny but bear with me: The tree in question is not in IMMEADIATE danger of falling - potential, but not immeadiate. The clean up crews have saws/equipment/training that are good for cutting up trees that have already fallen. it's not so good for trees still standing. There is also a question of time - You have to cut the tree down and then cut it all up and move all of the cut-up pieces nad then get the peices on something to haul them away.
    There is/are equipment/vechicles that take out a tree within a few minutes - I've seen them in action, it's pretty impressive.
    Since the tree isn't in immeadiate danger of falling they'd leave it and let it wait for the proper equipment to arrive.

