Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Amy Broyles Has A Personal Agenda Against Mayor Burchett

Tonight's Commission meeting revealed the nasty side of personal angst. Commissioner Broyles was so obviously angered by Mayor Burchett. The slow burn bomb began igniting tonight. Brian's Blog has continually pointed out that she was absent from the Mayor's budget presentation, did not attend any public input sessions on the budget that the Mayor hosted. She refused to return phone calls of the Mayor to discuss the budget. In turn, she creates her own budget, meets with the News Sentinel Editorial Board and then did not call to meet with the Mayor until 4 p.m. this past Friday.

Every amendment that she presented tonight was voted down. Her personal disdain for the Mayor was evident when she asked him who the bonding agency was and asked when he met with them. He turned to his Finance Director and she abruptly said "YOU, WHEN DID YOU MEET WITH THEM?"

Here is a photograph of her during a break in the meeting. She is obviously frustrated by her own ineffectiveness.

1 comment:

  1. Follow the law8:34 PM

    Broyles broke the law:


    She should be removed.
