Friday, June 10, 2011

Broyles Is Holed UP at the Big Metal Shed

Sources visiting the "BIG metal shed on the hill" report that this morning Commissioner Amy Broyles was holed up in a room with members of the Editorial staff outlining her budget plan. Interesting that Broyles did NOT attend Mayor Burchett's budget presentation, did NOT attend any community budget input sessions (even one in her district) has not returned any phone calls from the Mayor's office attempting to schedule a meeting to discuss any concerns she may have.

Broyles has reportedly refused to submit any budget amendments prior to next weeks meeting because she can't trust anybody. Interesting that she can have meetings at the Time Warp Tea Room with any Commissioner that will show up over there.

What we can share is what she mentioned at the Commission June 8 workshop. 1) She wants to add a 3% pay raise for County employees 2) Increase Ijams budget 3) Revisit Legacy Parks budget 4) Revisit employee layoffs 5) Eliminate Hope Resource Center budget (I will blog more on this one later TODAY) 6) Reinstate $75,000 to KAT Seniors Ride Free Program. She did not indicate where she would get the money from for these increases.
Wonder what the Editor thinks about Broyles inside talk to him? Will it sell papers? Or just make him feel big, since he has advance notice?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Its a big job to make that little jerk think he is big.
