Friday, June 03, 2011

Campaign Season is Active and Well

This morning was the bi weekly breakfast named the "Pinkston Breakfast". It is named for former 9th District County Commissioner Paul Pinkston. However, it is just some folks that get together. There are Republicans, Democrats and some that really don't care that attend. One of the first stops that Senator Fred Thompson made when running for U.S. Senate was to Pinkston Motors to visit then Commissioner Howard Pinkston and his brother Paul. It was at that meeting that it is said Thompson came up with the idea to use a red pick up truck as his campaign vehicle.

So, now as local candidates emerge it is imperative to get to the "Pinkston Breakfast". I have always enjoyed the crowd, great folk, great conversation. Commissioner Pinkston likes to call me "Hornbeck", because of a certain appointed person that mispronounced my name during a tv interview in 2000.

This morning, did not disappoint. Council Candidate John Stancil was there. He filled in as a master of ceremonies so to speak and asking for updates on various members of the group that have been ill. City of Knoxville Mayoral candidate Mark Padgett was present. State Senate District Six candidates Marilyn Roddy and Becky Massey were in attendance. Roddy visited with nearly everyone and was very comfortable with the group. Knox County Property Assessor candidate John Whitehead was there. Also, former County Commissioner Richard "Bud" Armstrong and rumored candidate for Knox County Law Director was present. Armstrong was low key.

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