Monday, June 27, 2011

NRR and Their PR Guy

NRR (Natural Resource Recovery) the entity that has tarnished the previous Knox County Mayoral administration. The entity that has Brad Mayes on a mission. The entity that is on it's way out of Knox County, so far out of Knox County that Mayor Burchett is selling the property they reside on.

But the talk in the back of the Main Assembly Room today was about their PR guy. Mike Cohen, he's the former Press guy to the previous Knox County Mayoral Administration. So, what did he know about that contract and why did NRR secure his services? Could it be because of what he knew?


  1. Aaaand speaking of NRR:

    At this rate, it won't be long before the New York Times is back in town.

  2. On this issue, as well they should

  3. I'd rather they had no cause to do so - frankly, I'm a bit tired of this childish garbage drawing such attention.

    You know what would be nice? Knox County's government getting some national recognition for doing something RIGHT for a damn change. What do we have to do to make that happen?

    Besides canning Salter. Which is another given.
