Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Where Is The Accountability on Covering The Joint Committee on Redistricting?

The Knox County Joint Commission and School Board Redistricting Committee met today. The members from the County Commission on the committee are Commissioners Sam McKenzie, Amy Broyles, Jeff Ownby and R. Larry Smith. The members from the School Board are Members Gloria Deathridge, Cindy Buttry, Lynne Fugate and Mike McMillan.

When the meeting began, it was a shock to see a non member of the committee calling the meeting to order. School Board Chair Indya Kincannon began the meeting, she immediately stated and placed into motion the names of Lynne Fugate and R. Larry Smith as Co-Chairs of the committee. She asked if there were other nominations, no one spoke up and then immediately R. Larry Smith who just so happened to sit beside Kincannon began the brief meeting.

Commission Chairman Mike Hammond was not in attendance in an obvious move to remain neutral and not attempting to influence the committee's work. Kincannon however NOT a member of the committee not only began the meeting as the Chair but violated Roberts Rules of Order in making a motion for the Co-Chairs as the Chair of the Committee.

Rebecca Ferrar of the News Sentinel, Erica Estep of WATE, a representative of WBIR was in attendance. However, not one of them noticed that a non member of the Joint Committee was not only participating but also making the motion and participating. Where is accountability?

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