Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Commissioner Mike Brown Was For Sue Before Sue Was Interviewed?

On Monday afternoon following the Knox County Commission Work Session. Knox County Commission went into Special Called Session to interview the applicants for the Interim State Senate District 6 position. Five individuals have applied, only four appeared to be interviewed.

Prior to the meeting Commissioner Mike Brown was overheard to tell a couple of by standers. I am already committed to Sue Atchley. Because the applicants were interviewed in alphabetical order, Atchley went first. It is interesting that she stated "after today I will not ask for your vote" So, what were the conversations before the interviews? What was asked for?  What was promised?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Where is the law director on this. Was Brown informed that this will be unethical? Sure brown new but did what the $2500.00 bought him. The vote for Sue. Hope the ethics committie has the ****'* to look in to it.
