Monday, July 25, 2011

Did The Six Commissioners Make an Un Ethical Appointment to State Senate Seat

So, a research of The Public Trust PAC that is co-chaired by Ben Atchley and Tommy Schumpert reveal that the six Commissioners that voted to select Sue Atchley as the Interim State Senator for State Senate District Six were Commissioners that have all been endorsed by The Public Trust PAC.

n January 16, 2008, "the metal shed on the hill" aka Knoxville News Sentinel published this story that The Public Trust PAC endorsed Sam McKenzie for the First District Seat, Ed Shouse for the Fourth District Seat B, Dr. Richard Briggs for the Fifth District, Brad Anders for the Sixth District and Mike Brown for the Ninth District.

On July 13, 2010, WVLT VolunteerTV (CBS affiliate) reported
here, The Public Trust PAC endorsements of Mike Hammond for County Commission at large and Ed Shouse for County Commission at Large.

So there are the facts. Now you know how the six candidates came to their decision to vote for the wife of Former State Senator Ben Atchley and the Co-Chair of The Public Trust PAC. Each endorsement brought monetary contributions in 2008 and in 2010 at a minimum were included in an in-kind advertisement announcing the endorsements.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Yes, all who voted for Sue did not disclouse at the begining of the vote that they had money given to them from Atchley pac wonder why? Brown did not disclouse he nad promised Sue his vote before the July 14 dead line. Why did Brown even stay for the interviews on 7/18. Each vote was worth $2500.00 Ben paid to secure nepotism to the greatest degree. Hopefully the ethics committiee will look in to this.
