Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Doug Bataille, Knox County Parks and Rec Guy Plays Hide and Seek

Earlier this month, "the big metal shed on the hill" aka News Sentinel filed this report. It seems that as the News Sentinel was out compiling a story on Mayor Burchett's proposed selling of Knox County's Three Ridges Golf Course that they discovered two Knox County Department Heads golfing during what would be normal working hours.

My sources indicate that the one department head, Dick Moran had telephoned his office and changed his time card to reflect personal time instead of sick time. You see he had a doctors appointment, the doctor was unable to perform the procedure he was scheduled for. So en route to the golf course, he changed his time card. He then went to play a round of golf.

However, my sources state that Doug Bataille, the head of Knox County Parks and Recreation when he discovered that he was being photographed playing golf ran off the golf course. We assume as Parks and Rec Director he was playing hide and seek. However, it wasn't until later that he changed his time card. Come on Doug!

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