Thursday, July 07, 2011

It is the Dishonesty and the Cover Up That Will Get You Everytime

Brian's Blog was the first to report (here) on Friday June 24, 2011 that City Council Candidate Marshall Stair has NEVER voted in a Knoxville election. This past Saturday July 2,2011 (here) Georgiana Vines reported on the issue. Vines in her report attributed a quote from Stair, "While in Austin, he registered to vote and voted in federal elections, he said. He moved back to Knoxville in 2003 and then in 2004 went to Mexico City to learn Spanish. He returned here to attend the University of Tennessee College of Law in 2005."  A phone call by a source of Brian's Blog to the Secretary of State's office in Texas could not confirm the information that Stair is reported to have provided. However, the Secretary of State directed the source to the Travis County, TX elections office. It was discovered that Stair registered to vote in 2002 and was purged in 2006. A review of whether he actually voted is still under review.

However, he states that he voted in Federal elections in 2003. A federal election for Congress and Senate would have occurred in 2002 and 2004. A Federal election for President would have occurred in 2004.

In addition, it should be noted that it appears that Stair did not cancel his Knoxville registration in 2002, when he registered in Travis County, Texas and when he moved back to Knoxville in 2005, he did not cancel his registration in Texas. As he was simply purged in Texas in 2006.

Normally, your registration is purged for inactivity for four years. However, as of this posting we can verify that he did or did not vote in Texas. More details as the story continues to develop.

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