Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Knox County Elections Administrator Gets Off On A Rocky Start

Cliff Rodgers, the new Administrator of Elections for Knox County is off on a rocky start. It seems a little pesky thing called state law has come up and stumped his toe. You see TCA 2-12-201 (a) 2&3 discuss the Administrator and especially section 3 that states. (3) Upon approval by the county election commission, presentation of the annual budget to the county commission or other legislative body for funding; On July 7, 2011 I contacted Election Commission Chairman Chris Heagerty. I asked him if the Commission had approved the operation budget. He said they were going to do that at the end of this month. He could not remember the date of the meeting and suggested that I contact Scott Frith, deputy assistant Administrator.

The problem for Rodgers and the Election Commission is the new budget year began Friday July 1, 2011. So, the operations of the Election Commission has not been in compliance with state law for a couple of weeks. Even after presenting it to the Election Commission and County Commission after the fact does not cure the error. But, I am sure that it will be excused as a "rookie mistake". Sadly, two of the three Republican Election Commissioners are Attorneys. We would think they would have been asking where o where is our proposed budget? After all, they get a monthly salary to be Election Commissioners.

By the way, the next Election Commission meeting is this Friday July 15, 2011 at 2 p.m. in the Small Assembly Room of the City County Building. "An agenda will be provided by email the week of the meeting." I guess I need to request to be on the distribution list.

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