Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mayor Burchett's Constituent Night Covered By Only TWO Media Entities

I attended Mayor Burchett's Constituent Night at the South Knox Senior Center tonight. There were only two recognized media entities present. The Knoxville Focus through it's photographer and staff contributor Dan Andrews and myself representing Shock And Awe (aka Brian's Blog). There were 50 individuals that attended tonight. Mayor Burchett spoke to the whole group first and took questions from anyone wanting to ask a question. He then stayed after that in a room, where individuals could talk with him one on one in a private setting. Where o Where was Sandra Clark and the E.W. Scripps Shopper paper? There will be several blog posts tonight from the Mayor's meeting.

Brian Hornback blogging at Mayor Burchett's South Knox County Consitituent meeting.

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