Sunday, July 17, 2011

SRW & WBIR Walks A Fine Line of Ethics

Did you see today's Inside TN with the three candidates for State Senate District Six? The first thing John Becker says is Susan Richardson Williams has a disclosure. To which SRW states that she has contributed to one of the candidates, Marilyn Roddy. When SRW was told who the candidates were, if she were ethical, she would say I can not sit on that panel. If WBIR were ethical when they knew the conflict they would have gone with only Don Bosch and Jack McElroy.

Then immediately Williams launches into a questioning on DeFreese concerning DeFreese statement that she possesses the highly qualified certification by the State Department of Education. SRW states I don't know what that means. Come on SRW, you haven't heard of NCLB (No Child Left Behind) and the highly qualified status? Interesting Inside TN has had many shows discussing NCLB. SRW again makes demeaning inflective comments like I know you have home schooled. Actually, no DeFreese was employed at Whittle Springs Middle School last year.

Why would WBIR allow such breaches in journalistic ethics? Well this is the station that is censoring Knoxville Mayoral Candidate Bo Bennett. We shouldn't be surprised that instead of straight from the heart, it's straight from yellow journalism.

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