Tuesday, July 12, 2011

They Were once Buds, But Now Hunley and Jablonski are Feuding!

Steve Hunley was on the School Board representing the Union County side of Knox County and was defeated in 2000 by High School Principal Jim Williams. Diane Jablonski was on the School Board representing the Loudon County side of Knox County and was defeated in 2002, by Community Youth Sports Organizer Chuck James.

Just last year, they were seen at Litton's in Fountain City contributing cash to a political candidate that they were both enthused for. Now, they are feuding. Hunley replaced his time spent on School Board with publishing a Fountain City weekly publication (that is now distributed free countywide). Jablonski has spent her time since leaving the board first in a failed State Representative primary race and after that just being a disgruntled citizen.

But, now with Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett's proposal to build a Carter Elementary School, Jablonski has aimed her bitter disgruntled demeanor on the proposal. Her letter to Superintendent McIntyre and the School Board Members is now in the public domain. Hunley spent quite a bit of this weeks newspaper space in picking Jablonski's letter apart.

In Jablonski's letter she confesses that her "ire goes up another notch every time I read a story about Carter Elementary School" Jablonski goes on to state that Carter was not on a priority list. Actually, if time had frozen when she left the board that is accurate. However, in 2003, after she left the board. The current board made Carter a priority, placing it on the Capital Plan and purchasing property on Straw plains Pike. It wasn't a brain child of County Commission. The Knox County School Board bought the property. Jablonski states that discussion for Carter was during a lawsuit between County Commission and School Board. In actuality, that lawsuit was settled after her 2002 defeat, when she and two other board members were not re-elected.

Jablonski goes on to accuse Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett of browbeating the Superintendent and Board of Education members. Interesting that at last weeks presentation by Mayor Burchett to the Board. The Superintendent and his staff commended how cooperative Mayor Burchett and his team had been.

It is interesting to note that Jablonski's husbands family business is located on Rutledge Pike near the Eighth District. So, the people of the Eighth District are good for employment in the operation of a trucking business but those employees kids do not deserve a school building that is less than  100 years old.

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