Monday, July 11, 2011

West Knox Republican Club July Picnic

UPDATE: I inadvertently left off John Stancil, candidate for Knoxville City Council at Large Seat A as an attendee. Sadly, I spent more time talking with Mr. Stancil and meeting his wife Cynthia then any other candidate for a City of Knoxville position. I realized this morning that I had left him off the list. So, I want you all to go check out his website, here.

This evening, the West Knox Republican Club hosted their annual July picnic. It was held at Deane Hill Rec Center. Corey Johns, the Immediate Past First Vice Chair of the Knox County Republican Party who is supporting Democrat Mark Padgett for Mayor along with Padgett and at least one Padgett paid staffer attempted to work the crowd. They received a cold reception, in spite of the fact the air conditioning was out inside the Deane Hill Rec center gymnasium. Johns was seen having to explain his actions.

The crowd was exceptionally supportive of Ivan Harmon for Mayor. City Council candidates Ron Peabody, Sharon Welch, Marshall Stair and George Wallace were seen campaigning. Also, State Senate candidates Victoria DeFreese, Becky Massey and Marilyn Roody visited with voters. DeFreese was more deliberate in her campaigning working each and every table.

The above photo shows Victoria DeFreese talking to a voter one on one. While former State Representative Charles Severance talks with his wife Phyllis, the first Vice Chair of the Knox County Republican Party.

Here Knox County Property Assessor candidate John Whitehead and I are photographed leaving the picnic. Whitehead is a Certified Appraiser and was available to the voters during the entire picnic. While his opponent sent his wife to campaign on his behalf.

Here State Senate District Six State Republican State Executive Committeewoman Sally Absher and I pause a discussion on Constitutional Conservatism for a picture. Sally is a leader that is making a real difference for the real Conservative cause. Preserve the Constitution.

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